Thursday, 31 March 2016

Spring Break - Revision Tips!

Hi guys! I'm sorry I was not active yesterday or the day before, I just needed a bit of a break because it can be quite stressful writing a blog for EVERY day but I'm back again! 
Have you ever lied in bed stressing out because you have a test the next day? Or didn't know how to revise properly so you just sat there reading through everything? Well, I'm going give you some tips and tricks on how to revise....
Don't be a procrastinator!

Scientists have proven that cramming in 2 hours revision is nowhere near as effective as doing 30 minute sessions with a 10 minute interval between each session. This is because after approximately 30 minutes of studying, your brain is fully engaged and will want to continue studying so that when you take a break, your brain is itching to get back to revising.

Here are a few tips and tricks I have learnt from revising myself:

  1. Do not leave revision to the last minute, prepare days even weeks beforehand (if you are given early notice)
  2. If you are a visual learner, use different colours to colour code what you need to learn as it will help you remember
  3. Use revision guides/materials given to you by your teacher
  4. Keep hydrated in order to keep your brain actively engaged
  5. Study at a proper desk, not in bed otherwise you are very likely to fall asleep whilst revising (this is not revising is it;)?)
  6. Make mind-maps to help you learn the important,key pieces of information you need for your test-not everything is relevant!
  7. Finally..don't procrastinate!
I hope this helps you revise in the future and that you really take on some of these tips because I can GUARANTEE that they will help!

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